If you feel aligned with the intentions of the Kansas Science Fest, we invite you to have a seat at our table and to open the door to those who are already on this path. If you are not quite sure where you fit in, that is ok. You have expertise to offer, and this village needs all people in order to succeed.
Here are some avenues to participate in the effort. If you are interested, please reach out to us by email or by clicking on one of the buttons below.
- We are looking for scientists and community science practitioners that are willing to lead activities during events.
- We are looking for people that can support our presence on social media and advertise our events.
- We are looking for people that can help us improve our web design.
- We are looking for people with skills in video editing to create short clips that support the efforts of Kansas teachers.
- We are looking for people with photography skills to help documenting our activities.
- We are looking for people that are just willing to help with logistical support prior and during events.